Anyone happy with just being a poor, lonesome shut-in?

As soon as I left university and saw the world of work, where people break their backs just to gain things they don't need to impress people they don't like, my instant reaction was: "Nope."

So I got a low-stress, part-time job, got a little one-room bedsit apartment for ultra cheap, and spent the next 7-8 years quite happy in my own little world. I didn't compete with the world or try to be part of it. I had a library card, an Internet connection, and I was happy doing little pieces of creative writing now and again.

Then, something strange happened. I took a chance and sent some emails to websites asking to be a writer for them. It worked, and very soon I began making 'money' for the first time in my life. Previously, I only made just enough to live.

But now that I had disposable income, my mind was going: Hmm, now that you have money you'll need to act like a "normal person."

So I began doing all the things I instinctively knew to avoid 8 years earlier. I began chasing fancy clothes, nice apartments, I even bought a BMW.

I swear: I've never been so miserable. I wonder why I'm doing any of this. It was never who I was, and still isn't.