IMO what causes our unemployment numbers to be so high

Note this is pure observation, but I think what a major cause of our unemployment numbers comes down to

  1. The lack of jobs in any given location thst fits us while being well within our condition. So a major thing to keep in mind you wouldn't expect someone in a wheelchair to do given jobs which they physically can't do like construction worker. Where as we have a social disability, a part of our brain simply doesn't work right and nothing really can fix that. But we are expected to perform in social situation as virtually all retail jobs are social, most blue collar work has a heavy side of social, and even some white collar is customer interfacing. And then the social aspect of office politics. It is so bad that some government departments when asking for help like vactional rehabilitation. It is common for people to be referred to retail jobs. This largely isn't the fault of the service. You can't refer someone to some job that isn't in the area or never has openings.
  2. Limitations on support network or lack of. Basically, if a person finds there is no jobs in the area that fit the needs of them, and they need to move to get whatever jobs to be independent. They likely will lose all of their current support since support heavily if not completely is family. And then governments in most locations do not have any support system or the limitations are so horrible that some have waited multiple years to get help. So this means if the person does move and it does not work out. Then homelessness is nearly a 100% likely outcome. Or at best it will put the person in such a situation where they face extreme autistic burnout. So this means the person has to weigh an extreme risk they likely will never recover from, and that of staying where they are at unemployed. Or to better put it, the person has to pick between living a life they currently have where it is at least we'll enough that they won't take their life today but maybe down the road at the time and method of their picking vs a extreme risk which ends with extreme misery and extreme likely they take their life to stop the pain since it is impossible to recover if it doesn't work out.
  3. Then the normal stuff with interviews and what not. I doubt I need to get too deep into that since this has been said many times over many years. I think this is pushed as the ultimate cause, when in reality I think it isn't. I think while it is a problem, if there was enough jobs in the area that fits the person. Then it's a matter of finding the right one.

Something to note is I think ghost jobs honestly push a number of us to just give up or mistaken there is jobs in the area that fits them, when in reality that isn't a real job.