Do you struggle with sharing space?

I (F31) don't if this is an ADHD thing, but I notice it as a difference with neurotypical people and a similarity with some neurodivergents.

Recently moved in with my partner (M32), some teething problems with getting used to each other on that level but way more good than bad, and we're definitely getting better.

I live away from my friends and family mostly and the nearby ones have very full lives so generally all my plans to see people are way in advance and not that often in the house.

My partner is from our area and a lot of his friends are quite available and up for coming round and it honestly gives me an ick. Quite often it's last minute and a particular friend is single and so desperate for company, and my partner (who isn't the hugest fan of hosting), is still too nice and "chill" to say no.

I put my foot down early on about not being a party house. And I'm really not that antisocial, but I'm honestly finding I really don't like having others in my space that much. My partner is fine and I'd have my dad round 5 times a week if I could, but I'm very against last minute guests and people who invite themselves over. I had a friend invite herself for dinner and was very glad I already had plans.

We were going to have a couple of house warming things to cover friendship groups, and I've gone completely against that, squished some together to get them done with and spaced out a couple of very small gatherings.

I feel really uptight which I hate. Any advice?