Denied VRE Benefits. As 100% P&T

I applied for VRE. If you look at some of my posts you'll likely see I struggle with my current job. I do not have a degree and was looking to VRE to retrain to hopefully obtain a different occupation, potentially working from home.

70% MH. 50% Pes Planus. 50% OSA with Asthma (it's bad) and various other injuries totaling 240%.

The rationale was I had overcome my employment difficulties and thus wasn't qualified. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If I left my job now, I'd have shit prospects for employment.

I can do an HLR or Supplemental. Can I also submit a detailed letter? Or maybe I should take it as a sign, quit, then file for SSDI in a year and give up because I cannot keep the pace that I am.