Things my twin and I talked about always wanted to know if fellow twins had it to:
- We cant tell who is who in baby pics.
- We had our own language as kids
- We "chose a color" I was mostly green and he was mostly red.
- We tried hard to be different on highschool
- People still tell me hi and the first things comes to my mind is that I should know them and somehow forgot and not that they know my brother.
- There are a few people that I am tired of correct when they are wrong.
- Some people (teacher, coaches, far family) avoid saying our names because they are not sure.
- Being super happy when I see other twins but most of the times I dont say anything because I dont want to bother.
- Tired of questions about how is it to be a twin because they seem to forget we dont know how it ks not to be a twin.
- Remember that being a twin is very special and of course we are different people and not all the time together as adults but it is still very fun and makes me happy everyday!