Any identical twins here who have a different sexuality from your twin?
I haven't personally met anyone else in the same boat, but from what I've read it can't be that rare. I'm a lesbian with a straight identical twin sister. My sister is fairly feminine and I'm fairly masculine (not to say all gay men are effeminate and all lesbians are masculine obviously, that's just how I turned out). When we were younger we both had long hair and I tried to dress in a more heteronormative way, so getting comments from strangers out in public was a regular occurrence. Nowadays, it happens only occasionally. Our days of twin pranks are long gone and my sister gets bummed out sometimes.
I'm curious to hear from both non-straight twins and straight twins. What was it like having a different sexuality from your twin growing up? Did it cause any issues between the two of you, or did it bring you closer together? I've struggled in the past with feeling jealous of my sister, especially seeing her navigate her dating life without some of the hangups that I have. And there have definitely been times where it feels lonely and isolating to be gay with a straight twin (although maybe that has more to do with the loneliness of being gay in and of itself...), since there's always going to be that gap in understanding that can't be bridged no matter how supportive she is. All in all though I like being different from my twin in this way. Our parents raised us to be codependent so we grew up pretty enmeshed, and untangling that as an adult has been very painful at times. In a way, having such a fundamental difference between us has helped me with forming an identity that exists completely apart from her.
It's not all bad though. I've never had to worry about having a crush on the same person as my sister, and her boyfriend and I are pretty tight in a way that might be slightly more complicated if I was also straight. When she first got with him I wasn't widely out yet, and it was eye opening to have people asking ignorant questions like "what did he see in her that he didn't see in you? What made him pick her specifically?" Sometimes I wonder how different that entire experience would have been if I were straight. Now it's far enough away that we all just laugh about it.