I dislike a lot of the anime community
I find it hard to join online anime communities because so many grown-ass adults are simping over teenage characters. I just want to enjoy anime without sexualising children.
Also, why can't we have more anime where the characters are in college or university? There are a crap ton of adult fans, so there would certainly be a market for it. It would be also far less creepy to make fanservice of characters who aren't babies.
The amount of sexual fanservice of underage chracters makes me wonder how many anime creators are secretly into children. I grew up watching anime and didn't see it as weird when I was a teenager. As an adult, it's weird as hell to be doing that.
I would never write a show that obviously sexualises characters who are THAT young. Maybe the occasional dirty joke/innuendo wouldn't be that bad since it's more realistic and can be funny if done right. Hell, even old Disney movies and some cartoons sneak in the occasional joke.