I'm 17 rn. Few years back(2-3), Me and my family were at our far far relatives' home. So they had a computer at above floor and they let me play. Now they had other family not related us but to them, living with them. And they had this, I would say curious girl, who came to home at around 6 from school. It was evening and kids were flying kites and all was going on. I was sitting there on that computer and that girl(about 10 or 11,much like hit puberty weeks ago) asked me to get her kite from Fridge. She takes me there and asks me in a deal making way,"I will show you down(pointing her down), you show me that"
I like I couldn't understand what she wanted but it quite made me unusual. Meanwhile she tried to touch me.
I knew if I did this, I will become my biggest enemy(because I was using reddit even back then mostly for porn and people would always talk about how CP is bad and children safety and I was quite motivated to not do anything around little women). So, I like JUMPED from stairs and went down and never told anyone about this.
I am going to her house again few days after and it just came in my mind again.