Worst character?

(If you haven't finished all the way to Season 15, the comments under this will definitely be spoilers)

I see a lot of "whos ur favorite character" but not many for the characters you cannot stand/ despise. For me, its difficult bc SO many "bad guys" end up with redemption archs 😅 granted the show went on for 15 years, I love the growth.

For me, I think I'd have to say Dick and Dr Hess (idk if she's the official leader of the British Men of Letters or just the offshoot operation in the US). There's also Ketch but for me its more of a "love to hate" situation.
I'm probably missing a Bunch but there are so many damn characters in the show 😅 fill me in on ur opinions.

Edit: Metetron and God also fall under my "love to hate" category. I hate the bastards but they were written so well