Tier list of all main guns (controversial)

I'll be explaining the entire tier and why some guns are horribly ranked TOP PICKS 1. Evans: fun repeater 26 bullets with high damage sadly slow reload 2. M1899: semi automatic pistol but with good damage 3. Semi auto shotgun: fast shooting pretty much old version of the trench shotgun 4. Schofield: a nice alternative to the cattleman with better stability and damage S 5. Lemat: slower version of schofield but with an underbarrel shotgun 6. Volcanic pistol: highest damage sidearm (excluding shotguns) highest recoil 7. Sawed: combine this with a second and it's fire rate insane slow reload 8. Springfield: enjoyable rifle with high damage no annoying sound (explained later) A 9. Pump: slower version of semi auto 10. DB: classic highest damage slowest reload for a shot gun 11. Carcano: best long range only rifle highest damage for longarm (excluding shotguns) 12. Semi pistol: highest fire rate fastest reload worst damage 13. Repeating shotgun: not as enjoyable as other shotguns feels like a repeater 14. Rolling block: high damage best starting only long range rifle 15. Lancaster (ignore the litchfield image I messed up) second best repeater plus a early upgrade 16. Litchfield: pretty much Lancaster but slower B 17. Bow: perfect for collecting free food and the only stealth weapon with decent range 18. Carbine: I don't like it's handling its the worst 19. High roller: expensive upgrade of cattleman C 20. Cattleman: worst handling out of all guns D 21. Varmit: well it's explained by the name only .22 22. Double action: high fire rate horrible damage 23. Bolt action: the most annoying one sure it's the best rifle but I hate it because of one thing that horrible sound in dead eye rockstar should fire you decided to use that awful sound if I never used dead eye it would be fine and I'd you are to lazy to go and hear it is pretty much like this OOH AAH So that's my tier list