Micro OLED is overhyped
Gonna talk about this for the Dream Air. The only differences color wise that I have noticed between the Quest 3 LCD and BigScreen Beyond Micro OLED is that the Quest 3’s display was a bit brighter and The beyond has deep blacks with no noticeable Backlighting.
Other than deep blacks the BigScreen beyonds colors or contrast levels, I just don’t find are anything new to write home about, everything else is about the same as a regular LCD panel. The colors in the micro oled panel weren’t anything new to me coming from an LCD panel.
The colors in the Beyond are not bad but I’m not impressed with it for such expensive displays.
My Crystal Light I’ve gotten insanely saturated and vibrant colors with decent black values thanks to the contrast and brightness setting in Pimax Play. My guess is with mini led panels the pixels can change their brightness independently from one another therefore vibrant colors and black values can be changed and adjusted separately from each other with mini led displays.
I have no idea if this is possible with Micro OLED panels. I have literally no knowledge or education on OLED displays. It’s very uncertain whether or not the color saturation of micro oled panels can be adjusted with the help of software. Especially because micro oled panels probably don’t have a backlight at all.
If it is hopefully Pimax eventually provides settings in their software for the Dream air later to adjust the color vibrancy and saturation so everything looks much brighter and more vivid on black contrasting scenes like with my Pimax crystal Light.