Crystal OG - reduce vibrations

Hello! Playing exclusively iRacing (OpenXR, NOT quadviews). I uninstalled PimaxXR as required but ken OpenXR toolkit, which adds functionality.

Since upgrading to 1.33 I have been noticing frame drops and skipped frames. I went bonkers to troubleshoot and narrowed it down to OpenXR toolkit motion prediction (to reduce vibration - which I kept as recommended by the developer between -25 and -35). With motion prediction off I have 0 skips but buttkickers shake the headset a bit too much - despite motion compensation being to 100 in pimaxplay.

Does anyone have any solution? Just a couple of notes:

1) OpenXR toolkit: if I remove it I have -30fps. The custom foveated rendering that it allows is awesome and cannot be (yet) reproduced in pimax play. So not using it is a big no-no.

2) I can turn off or lower buttkickers but it kills immersion for me.

3) Some have said that lighthouse faceplate+bases completely mitigates vibrations, as it seems to be an issue with inside out tracking. Can anyone confirm? As always, very happy to shell money out if that sorts the issue out :-D

4) any other inexpensive solution?

Thank you!