Is Draw Steel scaring Paizo management into pumping out way more Pathfinder content?

MCDM is a fairly well-regarded TTRPG company that sprang from one of the biggest D&D YouTubers Matt Colville. They're making a tactical fantasy TTRPG called Draw Steel.

They seem to be positioning themself as a direct D&D alternative. Unlike many other "D&D killers," they have a big reputation and have pretty different core mechanics from other D&D-likes. They have also uniquely decided to be MORE complex than D&D 5e, whereas most "D&D killers" usually aim to be simpler.

Defeating the behemoth D&D seems unlikely. But taking Pathfinder's number 2 spot as a tactical D&D alternative is within the realm of possibility.

Do you think that's why we're getting such a deluge of Pathfinder content? Is competition benefiting us consumers so directly? What are your thoughts on Draw Steel?

Check out Knights of Last Call's YouTube stream from last night if you want a deep dive on the mechanics.