Check out our Impossible Playtest live play shirt adventure
How's it going everyone, I'm Chris with the channel Quaternity of Dice, we're a channel dedicated to Pathfinder.
With the Impossible Playtetst currently going on we wanted to showcase the Necromancer and Runesmith with a short adventure.
We started our channel shortly after the Battlecry Playtest ended so we are showing the Commander and Guardian as well in this adventure.
Each of our 4 players is playing one of the 4 classes from the two playetsts.
During the adventure we'll be trying to showcase all of the abilities of each class and how they interact with other classes and with encounters like combat and social engagement. After the adventure is done we'll have individual class review videos to Goin over whag we liked and disliked, what worked and didn't work, etc.
Please check it out and see if you like it! And if you like that please check out the rest of the videos on our channel. As of right now we have a main campaign that is ongoing, we'll also be doing videos on the world we are playing in, some tips and tricks for GM's and players, Pathfinder mechanic tutorials and explanations, and some fun character build videos.
Here is a link to our firdt Impossible Playtest video, we hope you like.