Toilet training a sensory-avoiding child

We started toilet training our almost-3 year old son today. He has sensory-processing disorder but no other diagnosis (as of now), although he has a strong need for routine and consistency. He goes to OT twice a week which has been helping alot for sensory avoidances.

Two sensory issues came up, which I'd love recommendations for how to deal with:

  1. Many methods (Oh Crap and other similar ones) recommend doing bare-bottom for a few days. We tried this but he absolutely couldn't handle it, clearly because of the sensation of nothing against his skin. We ended up switching to commando (pants but no underwear/diapers) which he was fine with, but therefore we weren't able to catch him mid-accident at all today... which AFAIK is one of the first steps of teaching a child to understand what "peeing" means. Not really sure which (if any?) method we can rely on if we're not going bare-bottom to start with.
  2. There were a few times where he looked like he really needed to go, but seemed unwilling to release it into the toilet. One of these times, he had a huge pee accident while washing his hands (immediately after sitting on the toilet for a few minutes). I suspect he's scared to let it go into the toilet, either because of sensation or newness or something else. It's not the flushing noise, because he loves flushing it even for fun.

Due to the above 2 issues, he did not pee/poop in the toilet even once today (he's never done in the past either, although he's been willing to sit and to flush). Anyone have tips for how we can help him overcome these two difficulties? Classic toilet training guidance seems to be quite lacking in the area of sensory challenges.... :(