Low view count after first day, spike after the second

Hello, I’m a fairly small channel but as of late my videos have been getting between 800-1.2k views, however the past 2 and now this current one have all had the same issue. 24 hours after uploading they have a low click through rate and low view count, every time this happens I obsess over changing the thumbnail, for the first video this happened with I tried 4 completely different styles of thumbnail but the final one I ended on was almost the exact same as the first one I uploaded with, for the second video all I did was minor changes to the original thumbnail, and I’m concerned that for my current video (which only has 18 views after a few hours and a 1% ctr, just like the previous 2 videos) that I’m going to obsess over this title and thumbnail even though it might not be necessary, is it possible that my videos just take 2 days to reach the right people? Or do the minor changes I’m making actually mean as much as they seem?