When does the torment end???

At this point, I’m at a loss. I’m so burnt out. My baby is about to be 6 months old and she’s still.so.fussy. Don’t get me wrong- it’s is nowhere near as bad as the first 3 months, but I thought it would be better than this by now. She’s usually good when we go out because she falls asleep in the car seat and stroller and gets distracted by people and new places. But at home all day no matter how much I try to distract her with different things, it seems like something is always bothering her. She was doing better after a CMPI diagnosis and formula switch. But she still has reflux (that they won’t medicate her for because of her growth) and at this point it will hopefully resolve soon anyway (I guess?). I think that she is teething but the teeth refuse to come in. She has had the signs of teething for months (irritable, red cheeks, fussy on bottle, constantly chewing on everything). Once the first teeth come in does it stop for a while? Does it get better? Or will she just be like this until all of teeth come in? I feel like I’m losing my sanity. She just makes angry grunting noises all day or whines or cries. Her sleep is okay, but still wakes up once a night for a feed and needs her pacifier multiple times a night. Idk what else to do…