How does your BF/bottle feeding LO injure you while you feed them?

Since our son was about 2 months, he loved to play with our fingers while he was bottle feeding. But I noticed that every time we fed him, somehow he did something to “hurt” our fingers (and sometimes nose)! A few examples:

pushing my cuticles down

digging his finger underneath my nails despite keeping my nails short

scraping off nail polish

if we didn’t cut his nails on time, digging into my cuticle to draw blood and then pushing on that exact scab every time he fed until it healed

pulling my finger back until it felt like he was going to break it

smacking my nose

putting his finger up my nose

squeezing my nose specifically around my nose ring

It’s like he knows what my soft spots are! 🤣

How does your LO make feeding times painful?