Purple butterfly

My twins were born at 22 weeks and 6 days. I knew that chances were low. But yesterday we lost a twin. We had him here for 2 weeks. I am honestly dying inside. I’m struggling to be here for my surviving twin which is still in the NICU and will be there for a while. Along with their ups and downs. I keep going through the the typical things of “ why us” “ what could I have done” etc etc. I tried to go check on twin A last night and I could barely be there I started hyperventilating because twin B wasn’t next to them. I just don’t know where to start with anything. And I just know it will keep hurting. I have reached out for help taking to therapist and what not. I just go through the motions of things but I feel like a ghost. I also don’t want anyone pity I don’t want hugs I don’t want anything. I know this sounds selfish I just wanna rot in a hole. But I know I can’t I have twin A to watch over and visit and talk to and encourage to keep fighting. But I genuinely think a part of me like a big part of me has died. I’ve never had to grieve like this. I usually don’t do funeral and I’ve always said death is part of life. And we could be here one minute and gone the next. But this is just to close to home.