A few lines from the famous poem “Nooniyah Al-Qahtaani”

وإذا خلوت بريبة في ظلمة

And when you are alone in the darkness

والنفس داعية إلى الطغيان

And your soul is calling you towards transgression (sinning)

فاستحي من نظر الإله وقل لها

Then have some shame from the sight of Allah and say to it:

إن الذي خلق الظلام يراني

“The one who created this darkness can see me”

كن طالبا للعلم واعمل صالحا

Be a student of knowledge and do righteous deeds

فهما إلى سبل الهدى سببان

For they are two reasons to the path of guidance

Here is a nice recitation of this excerpt: https://youtube.com/shorts/ldMKyCUdLZA?si=k7gAMZG7EwQUtgZR