What are your reasons for attending less concerts this year? Here's mine:

  1. The price of tickets, and everything else, skyrocketing. Restaurants, rent, car insurance, gas, groceries, medical insurance...everything is up, up, up.

  2. The blatant, obvious scams done by Big Ticket: "Premium" seats, siphoning tickets to their own reseller site, crazy surcharges, etc.

  3. My hunger for live music post-pandemic has lessened.

  4. Having some amazing concert experiences in the last few years that probably won't be topped.

  5. As a jamband fan, I have the option of live streams to give me the music as its happening without having to go in person.

Interested to hear your reasons.

EDIT 1: FEWER, NOT LESS! Dammit, and I'm a writer, too.

EDIT 2: Super interesting to see so many people talking about concertgoer behavior as a reason to not go. In the jam band world, we call incessant talkers "chompers" and try to shame them, so we have less bad behavior issues, but it's still a deterrent for sure.