Discussion : Is Jason's Sleeping Bag too strong in 2v2?
Hello friends! In the past few months, my friend and I have been incorporating a strategy involving Jason's down special (the sleeping bag grab) into our gameplan. As you probably know, Jason cannot combo into this move on his own, but he can land it freely with assistance.
For example, Jason can Jab > Jab > Bag, and though this isn't a true combo, if the teammate hits the enemy at all between the jabs and bag, it will connect.
Now, once Jason performs the bag toss, enemies have a certain window where they can escape. However, the teammate can simply jump out and occupy that space with a move. Especially easy with moves such as Taz Tornado, Shaggy Kick, Banana side special. Any lingering or multi-hit move. Some characters such as Iron Giant have more difficulty following up, but everyone can. Taz is my most consistent.
I have a plethora of examples available : MVS Arena - 2v2 Combo Showcase #2 and another montage I put up last month: MVS Arena - Sleeping Bag Combos These are all in Arena mode, but it works just as well (or better) in regular mode.
ANYWAYS, to the community: is this too powerful? Should it be nerfed, or is it fine because there's no "true" combo route for Jason solo? How would you go about nerfing such a strategy, perhaps giving brief invulnerability after they escape the bag? Allowing them to mash out earlier? Do you run into people doing this often?
My opinion is that it should stay, but I'm obviously biased because I currently implore this tactic. But I'm eager to hear your thoughts on this :)