Moroccan/Arabic names.

When I was pregnant with my son everyone wanted to know what I was going to name him. But we wanted to keep it a surprise, at least I did. All of his friends knew it. But I told them (my fam) it will be an Arabic name. We wanted a name that western people (we live in the EU) can pronounce and our family’s. We are both Moroccan.

Anyhow my son is born alhamdoulilah and both of my grandmother’s and one of my aunt’s can’t pronounce his name. And the weird thing is we found out that people (older generation Allah y 7hafedhom who did not go to school and don’t know how to write or read can not pronounce his name. How is that? It’s an ancient name.

The name is: Louay. One aunt says Loual and one of my grandma’s just learned how to pronounce it after practising it meskiena