Nyemoore Presidential Press Release

An address from the Nyemoore President:

It was a hard decision to temporarily shut the Government Center down (NOT the government itself), Shutting down today. We will be opening our doors again on April 1st, 2025. As the President, everything fell to me, as every governor (we only had 3 total) stepped down. Now I am trying to get everything together, but quite a few things fell to me that were unexpected and will not be disclosed at the moment due to a national investigation. This problem and a few others have lead to this decision to temporarily shut the Government Center down until April 1st, 2025. The decision was a hard one, but had to be made. I will still be posting updates and keeping up with Micronation World too!

-Things affected by the Government Center Shut Down:

1: Certain Departments, that are not necessary during the shut down,

2: Annual Snow Fort, building has been cancelled,

3: Plowing of Certain Roads & Trails,

4: NBS TV & NBS NEWS, due to the shut down, NBS's funding has been interrupted until April,

5: Presidential Office Building construction, building paused due to Cold weather and Shut down,

6: Repairs to the Presidential Motorcade, The motorcade has been sent to DJ's Garage for repairs,

7: Updates to the Websites will be delayed,

Once April 1st comes around and we are open again, We will be in full force for the upcoming 2025 year! With new updates from The Government Center, NBS, The Nyemoore Reporter, NSL, and many other departments. If you have any questions please contact [(Nyemoore Government Center Email)](mailto:[email protected])

-President Mosley