Landman seems to be pretty realistic

For two years I worked at a part time job in southern Texas. I stayed at a Hampton Inn which was usually sold out and except for me, was mostly oil field workers. The other day, I was back at the hotel and caught several of the men as they were about to go out for their shift. I asked the group if they watched the show and was surprised that they all said "yes". I then asked them how realistic the show was. I prefaced that as a physician, I find so many problems with medical shows and from my reading and discussions, lawyers seem to have just as many problems with legal shows. To the man, they said that the show was very realistic. I was quite surprised to hear this. My only regret was not asking them about eh "playing outside the sandbox" and their take on that but I think that there are many ways to interpret that comment. Anyhow, this is another TS show that is starting off strong (albeit many issues with the female representations and age issues) so I'll continue to watch but as usual, TS seems to fall off in quality after one or two seasons.