Lip fillers

The lip filler trend is getting worse. Can these women not see how weird and unnatural they look? It’s one thing to have a very small amount put into your lip to give you a plumper look but a majority of women who receive this procedure are going bigger and bigger until it just looks off putting. It’s making me think of the scream extractor in Monster’s Inc.

For example, “influencer” Macy Broyles, someone needs to gently tell her. It doesn’t look good, it certainly doesn’t look natural either. Heck her BOYFRIEND should be sitting her down and telling her this. I also get the vibe that she overly tries to act sexy and seductive in all of her snaps. Doesn’t help that he constantly sexualizes her either.

• I know Macy and Griffin aren’t from the LA area but there isn’t a snark page for their area.