1080P confliction due to low viewership? forced 720P.

So I have come to conclusion that the reason for forced 720P60, rather than letting us use settings for 1080P is due to viewership being low or even none.

I am not to sure of the actual requirements to get the 1080P going again but, maybe a follow for follow and collabs with one another will help get the 1080P back. We have to start somewhere, we are all in the same boat as new streamers or low viewership streamers. Start posting your links on twitter, instagram, and other social medias to gain traction. Create videos on tiktok to also gain some traction, make sure you put your kick link in there to so they know that they can interact with them.

I believe we can all make it, so lets do this

-Codie AKA "Codions" on kick.