I Successfully Sued Kaiser Without a Lawyer - I Wrote A Manual to Help Others

Some of you in this group already know, that earlier this year I won my arbitration case against Kaiser Permanente without any lawyers. It was hard, it was confusing at times dealing with the legal verbiage, but it is doable. In past posts, I mentioned that I would be writing a manual with a step-by-step guide of how to go about doing a Kaiser lawsuit and the tools I used to win.

Background About Me: Kaiser Permanente staff injured me while doing a routine procedure in 2021. I filed my request for arbitration with Kaiser early 2022 and we settled in earlier this year in 2023 (roughly 8 - 9 months). While in the process of suing Kaiser Permanente, I decided to attend a paralegal certificate program, which in my opinion helped me succeed in the my lawsuit without a lawyer. ———————————————————————

In the past, whenever my reddit username was mentioned as a resource for help with Kaiser Lawsuits, I always responded and provided my email address and assisted one-on-one. I have now decided to create a website where you can purchase and download my Kaiser Lawsuit Manual and also reserve time for me to assist you in one-on-one sessions. PLEASE BE ADVISED: I AM NOT A LICENSED LAWYER AND CAN NOT PROVIDE LEGAL ADVICE.

Unfortunately, both the manual and one-on-one sessions with me cost a fee. This is due to the immense amount of effort and work I had to put into building and putting together the manual. All information in the manual is supported by accredited health and law professionals. And while I would like to not have to charge for one-on-one help sessions, I have been taken advantage of by people reserving my time and not attending our video/phone appointments or not responding. I hope that is understandable.

The Kaiser Lawsuit Manual contains the following info: - How to draft and serve initial claim - How to respond to all Kaiser defense lawyer requests - Forms necessary for the lawsuit - How to prove medical injury or negligence - Step-by-step process from beginning to end of lawsuit - Explanation of legal terms - and much more information

My Website: www.KaiserCaseAdvocate.info

Thank you all and I wish you all well on your Kaiser endeavors.

Update 11/18/23 - Unfortunately, I will be taking the website down within 24 hours. I have received a ton of emails and responses with hate remarks and profanity … for no known reason.

So yet again, another attempt to help others is trampled. As much as I would like to spread the information I have that could help others win and advocate for themselves against Kaiser, it is not worth the unnecessary violent messages I am receiving.

Good luck to you all and round of applause to the jerk(s) sending me threatening messages! You just cyber bullied a disabled person 👏🏾