A Letter to Mr. Peterson

Dear Mr. Peterson,

It was great listening to your second video of your biblical series. I am a Christan myself and to hear your wisdom brought me joy.

You made arguments against postmodernism in ways that I have never heard before. You acknowledged their intellect and proposed that the problem is not so much with what their eyes see, but the “Gods” they worship. The Gods of lust to knowledge to figure our disabled lives, forged with social inclusion in order to feel satisfied, and self pity as well.

I would like to add to this with my theory of the industrial revolution and the decadence of culture in western society.

In short I think that our revolutions in technology have led us to the false beliefs that we could do anything. Speculating, Karl Marx was born in the delusionment of lies that we could do anything because of our prosperity that capitalism has provided, just around the time of the industrial revolution. Fiction by H.G. Wells, The Time Machine, is an idea of us being defeated by nature because we became so advanced in our technologies and stopped competing, as well as Mary Shelly’s Frankenstien, a novel about science apparently going too far to defeat death, all seem like fiction of people fantasizing about a world where anything is possible. I think the post modern man with dyed hair and a skateboard also takes these things into account. Believing that accomplishment comes from wit and not hard work and self sacrifice. “Only if I could learn this then I will have this and get by.”

You talk about the, “Dream like state,” where our desires and, “Drama,” lies. I think that our culture encourages us to use our technology for these dramas we act out. In respect an example of this would be the transgender community, seen as a group of people using technology to enact their desires of science fiction. They look at it as a sort of enabler.

I suppose the condition of the world right now is what we do with our new toys.

I am currently a freshman in college and I like watching your videos. Your mind is very sharp. Thank you.

- Anonymous