Am I delusional in thinking Final Fantasy hasn't had a universally "beloved" game since X aside from XIV?

Or is it because the fandom has grown and become more fractured over the years?

XI -I loved, but I know many won't give it a shot because its an MMO and its quite old, especially when XIV is around

XII -I enjoyed with the Zodiac Age changes, but the story just never quite comes together how I liked. Despite them fixing my problems with the gameplay/combat it seems Matsuno leaving the project meant the storyline issues could never be fixed. (The story starts off very strong but then falls off)

XIII - Great visuals and combat but the story was a mess, I did enjoy the sequels more though

XIV - the players have loved it so there is no denying its success but now they seem to be complaining about the game growing stagnant? (I played up to stormblood)

XV - incomplete, the story is fragmented among multiple different mediums and feels nonsensical in game.

XVI - I haven't finished this one yet but fans seem to dislike the combat mechanics being shallow, the side quests being shallow and the story not living up to their expectations?

I haven't tried the 7 remakes yet...its a shame that XII, XIII, XIV and XV all seemed to have some sort of development issues. I really hope they are able to develop a game and hit a home run again. I had a lot of faith in XVI due to me loving XIV but I stopped playing the game it didn't really keep me engaged.

Has the series been lacking since X? Or have I missed some gems along the way? I am not saying your favorite FF game sucks btw I just remember the series being treated much more positively 20 years ago compared to now where everyone seems to be disappointed....