For those suffering with chronic vaginal issues
I’ve been doing this for over a year so I feel like I can finally talk about this.
Previously I used to suffer from chronic BV. Like this went on for 5+ years. I was more or less able to resolve it when I ended up getting bv during a period when I wasn’t sexually active. Sex may have been making my issue worse but it wasn’t the cause of it. Long story short I figured out I was low on vitamin D3, and when I started taking it regularly, my bv more or less went away.
When I became sexually active again, I started suffering from chronic yeast infections when previously I never got them. I experimented with different probiotics and solutions and while they would somewhat work, it never fully solved my problem.
Then last year, I had an iridology session. Iridology is basically when an iridologist looks at your eyes to assess your overall health. I honestly didn’t know what to expect from this as I had my reservations. But I was converted when she was able to tell me things about my health (things that may become issues in the future, the health of some of my organs - things that only I or my doctor may know). Anyway, she mentioned that she thinks I suffer from poor digestion and was probably often constipated (which I was), and that I probably have issues with my reproductive organs (which I did). Since the female reproductive organs sit adjacent to our digestive system, if we have issues with one it can feed over into the other and cause a feedback loop. She suggested that I get regular colonics for a while to help flush me out and to go vegan for a month.
I didn’t do the vegan bit (I’m prone to anemia) but I did start going in for regular colonic sessions. Initially I had two in one month but then I did one a month for about 9 months. On my second colonic, I noticed that when I released after my session, my bowel movement smelt like bv. I was stunned. But it did prove to me that there is a link because our reproductive and digestive systems.
Since getting colonics, I haven’t had any vaginal issues. I still take a probiotic regularly. Even when I’m sexually active, I don’t have to do all these outrageous things to prevent me from getting a yeast infection or bv. I’ll maybe use a balance activ pessary, and I’m good. My periods even shortened and became less painful.
Now I don’t get them as frequently just because colonics are expensive (but honestly spending money on pessaries and probiotics can become just as expensive) but also the person who administers my colonics told me to start taking my probiotics as night (right before bed when I’ve stopped eating) and that was a game changer. I’m no longer bloated and constipated. Even if I eat a large meal, my stomach doesn’t swell, and my vaginal issues haven’t returned since stopping.
Just wanted to share my experience in case it helps someone at their wits end.