Recurring BV/YI After Sex
Hi all! I (28f) recently got married to my husband (31m) in January and we’ve decided to no longer use protection during intercourse. Unfortunately, now whenever we do have sex, within 48hrs I develop either BV or Vaginitis, sometimes both. I dread this will be my life smh. Luckily, we are at a distance right now due to him being away at school finishing up his graduate degree, so it gives me and ‘Ms.Kitty’ time to recuperate and get back to optimal health. However, the clock is winding down to when my husband and I will be living 100% together and I know consistent sex will be on the menu in our home.
Has anyone experienced this? Is my body adjusting to him or is there something I’m missing? Should he get tested for something? I’ve only had unprotected sex a handful of times prior with my ex and I’ve never had these symptoms. Is there something I should be doing to avoid this cycle from continuing? I get sad at the thought that being intimate with my husband will always be followed by days of discomfort.
P.S- I’ve switched to a silicone lube that’s PH friendly (per r/sextoys recommedation), we were using the Lola brand before and I don’t believe it was a good fit for me. I’m very holistic, so I don’t care to consume western medicine especially for long term/recurring issues/use. I drink herbal teas and use specific tinctures that assist with candida, bacteria, etc as needed- so any recommendations that align with my current lifestyle would be great!
TIA for any insight you ladies can provide to me. I’ve also called my gyno to get her feedback as well, she’s ooo today so hopefully I’ll hear back from her tomorrow.