The new Raid changes are Horrible

The new patch came out and with that a complete overhaul of Raids.

With the new system the bosses do not have a health bar anymore, they are always at level 100, still 3 attacks per day, they deal more damage the further the timer ticks down and from the 4th day to the last day, one of the 4 bosses of the rotation will be a "Fever" Boss, this boss receives +150% more damage from the element it is weak against.

Now let's break it down, first of all in my opinion the first few changes are a blessing and I'm really excited for them.

Bosses now don't have a health bar means you don't have to swap from the Mothership to the Statue of Bravery merch back and forth, it was always a odd system and needed to get changed, just like the director said, it was frustrating to log in and see the boss had a health bar too low for your precious juicy attack.

Now you can attack WHENEVER you want, you won't be seeing that Dark boss clogging the rotation for 10 hours of the day, but on the other hand the whole Merch meta could be changing, we don't really know, if the bosses are always at the maximum health then the statue of bravery is always active and it will be the meta merch, otherwise we might see the Nari merch come into the meta.

Oh and the carry over system is gone.

Second change I want to address is the Fever boss system they added, it is horrendous, it might sound positive but you are going to soon change your opinion.

Now the optimal way to deal damage from the 4th day to the 7th day will no longer be to attack with the best 3 teams you have, the best way it's going to be to attack the fever boss TWICE.

What this means is that if a raid rotation has a boss weak to: Earth, Water, Dark and Fire (for example) you are going to want to build 2 teams for Earth, 2 for Water, 2 for Dark and 2 for Fire.

Previously you would have bullt 3 teams and attack with those, now you need 8, you now also need those mediocre melee teams because attacking with those will result in way more damage than attacking normally.

For example if you attack normally you would do (numbers thrown randomly) ~95M with water and 85M with earth (Andras and Dabin respectively), with the new system you can deal ~150M with water and ~110M with a melee water because of the new system, if you ignore it and still attack with earth you are going to lose a whole lot of damage.

So now we need +45 heroes for raid, 45 heroes to bless and 45 ex to hammer, insanely expensive.

And it is a nerf for our gems too because if previously a new (for example) melee Basic raid hero with +DEF collection came out, we would just ignore it and move on, because Eunha is better, ~20k gems saved, now instead we need to pull way more frequently because we have to keep up with the meta with more than twice as many teams as before.