School safety legislative package calls for mandatory suspension
“House Speaker Jon Burns on Monday released details of his plan, which would require schools to participate in a statewide database to ‘collect and integrate data to evaluate the behavior’ of students ‘who may pose a threat.’ “
Am I wrong or is this really, really unfair to kids? Don’t forget that the Apalachee school shooter’s dad gave him the gun after he had already been warned about a potential threat - that’s the detail that these laws should address. We need to start holding parents accountable. Otherwise we’re just blaming kids for having bad parents, and all that’ll do is embitter our youth and create more criminals.
Also they’re targeting kids who “may pose a threat” which sounds awfully vague. This sounds like it could open up the possibility of labeling kids based on race/religion/cultural differences and entrench the school-to-prison pipeline. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but we know this sort of thing is well within the realm of possibility by now.