Hardstuck Level 4-6 on Faceit – Need Advice!

Hey everyone,

I've been stuck between Level 4 and 6 on Faceit for a while now, and I just can't seem to break through to Level 7. I'm looking for some advice on what I could improve.

My routine:

  • I play 1 to 3 matches per day.
  • I warm up with deathmatch, aim maps, and aim_rush to improve peeks and multi-kill fights.
  • I also play retakes sometimes.
  • I know how to throw smokes and molotovs.

Despite all this, I still struggle to climb. Any tips on what I should focus on? Should I change my training routine? Any mindset or gameplay adjustments that helped you rank up?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

my profile: https://www.faceit.com/en/players/tobilleraSSJ/stats/cs2
