JPay email/tablet
Hey anyone have experience writing an inmate with the JPay tablet?
I’m wondering how long it’s usually takes for your messages to get to your friend in prison.
Sometimes we are able to write back and forth within the hour. Messages seem to get through fast....but I’m wondering if anyone has had delays? Has an email to a tablet ever taken 24-48 hours to process?
I want to EMPHASIZE the friend in prison has a tablet so we do not have to go through the whole printing / snail mail process.
I’m asking this because I sent a two part message and the friend only responded to one part and I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it to send the second part again and waste a stamp...or if it’s possible the email is actually taking between 24-48 hours to process on the tablet....
If anyone has experience with this let me know please , thank you!!