Very interesting story

Part 1 /One sunny morning gilchrist decieded that the hertiage life was not for him. Gilchrist was a confused young man unsure of his sexual prefernce. As he strolled the halls he met a girl named Mateena "hi" said Gilchrist insecure and unsure if her response would be positive or negative. Mateena saw this fagget and didn't want to be mean she said "hi' awkwardly. Gilchrist was forever change, he would continually stalked her and watched ever day as she walked home. He could not he hide his throbing cock from his parents as he would cum home after a daily stalking. Part 2/ During one very sexual day, Mateena walked up to Gil. Gil couldn't hide his throbbing cock from Mateena. Mateena stared down and saw a small little pee wee in front of her. Not sure of what to do, Gil asked her if she could suck his cock. She was unsure of whether to do it, being a fan of the big cock instead of the small one Gil has. Mateena made a decision and instantly got onto her knees. She took down Gil's pants and started sucking his cock feriously. Gil felt the pleasure and couldn't hold it in. Gil released onto Mateena's face. Mateena started collecting and swallowing the hot, white cum that Gil has released. She called it and day and both of them went home satisified. Part 3/ It had been a week since the blowjob mateena had given gil. Gil couldn't stop thinking of how good her tongue felt around the tip of his cock. He NEEDED some more sexual favours (winky face). But this is exactly want Mateena wanted, for Gil was as thirsty as a homeless child in Africa when it came to thinking of her. Nevertheless; Gil had to get some p00tang no matter how hard he had to try, thought he was already pretty hard. (winky face). And on Firday Gil had conceived a plan, a plan that what for sure get him the p00tang he desired so greatly.
- Friday: It was Lunch time and gil was still thirsty ass fuck. Speaking of ass fucks, that's exactly what Gil wanted cuz hes into that anal shit. He already knew what to say with the help of his great wingmen J.R and James. And so later, he waited for Mateena to sit at her ususal spot with her friends. Fortunately, she was the first one there so he could swoop in for the kill (and by kill I mean sexual favours). He swag-walked over to her with all the swag he could muster. He said to her with a confident look on his face "What cookin' good lookin?" Mateena sat their puzzled, wondering what the fuck he ment, but for some reason Gils sudden confidence turned her on and so she responded "If you want my body than just say so" Gil immeditaly got hard, and they snuck into the nearby change room to have sex. But what they were going to do was still to be found out. Part 4. As they busted the door open of the change room sexing each other, Gil furiously ripped off her expensive clothing but she didnt care since she loved Gil way too much. As Gil got tired off carrying her into the change room he put her down the bench and flipped her over onto her stomach, grabbing her thighs, this turned her immedeatly turned her on, so she started unzipping his pants and attempted to find his dick but there was nothing to be found, it turned out that he had a vagina and he was a woman his entire life, but he never knew until this point in the change room, at this point she didnt even care since she was so turned on she just kept going on. As the female Gil kept fucking the shit out of her. she screamed "YES!" "OHMY" "YA" and "OH!" again and again. She screamed so loudly that the people in the gym could even hear her moan. As the female Gil realized he didnt have a penis he realized that this was all gay. He realized that he was gay, he didnt know or not, until a week later he came out of the closet and everyone didnt support since no one supported him he ran away from coquitlam, he went under the radar and became unknown. He only met with a few friends of his but didnt want anyone to see him. This has been another episode of Gil is Gay confirmed stay tuned next time to find out if hes a guy or girl