I understand why the devs r making this event difficult for us.

Honestly speaking, (I gonna get down voted for this i fear) I understand why the devs r making this event hard. Imagine if the eggs were easy to get like during the winter events. All the event dragons from this winter event had great designs. But bcos the eggs were easier to grind for, the dragons were easier to obtain and guess what? Plp don't want them anymore and their values drop like crazy mad- literally the first day of the event vyreas were sitting at 300-400k while many expected them to at least sit around 800k at least. I too knew they will decrease in value, but not immediately on the first day! And all this was due to the fact that so many plp obtained them ald on the first day, despite their 1% hatch chance.

So with the 1% hatch chance + the tedious way of getting the eggs, it's a countermeasure against what had happened to the Vyreas and Allps. These r LEGENDARY dragons for a reason. I understand many of us would want to get a fulong but the devs want to mantain some sort of value with the dragons and prevent the market from having a mental breakdown. (Shld do the same to Alas and Veids tho) Also it retains the Fulongs values as well as adding some sort of difficulty to the quest so that only the extremely dedicated can get it.

And IF there were to add a guaranteed FULONG EGG at the end of the daily rewards, don't get me started on how many alts will be made that day and entering the game just to obtained the free fulong egg- ITS JUST NOT SUSTAINABLE for the value of the fulong.

Alr I've made my rant, sorry for any horrid grammar its 12 at night here-