[Wind and Truth] Put on your aluminum hats folks, I think I have something here

We know that Harmony changed the rules for Feruchemy to make it so people can only have one power, as per Alloy of Law. We know that Sazed was the last Keeper, and he seemed to assume the last Feruchemist. This implies that he reintroduced Feruchemy to the Terris when he ascended and changed everyone's physiology.

We also know that Axwindeth was a Full Feruchemist. I have spent weeks trying to parse the inconsistency since she would have to be over 300 years old, but my friend is reading WoA and talked about how sad the story of Twindyl was and mentioned that its crazy to think that she gave birth to so many Feruchemists.

So what if she is descended from Twindyl? What if she is her daughter or granddaughter? There is this WoB that seems to confirm its possible. What do you guys think? Posted this in Discord but I want your thoughts as well.
