Modern Media Discourse is absolutely unbearable
If I had to put Modern Media Discourse into an analogy, it would be the equivalent of two incredibly loud squirrels fighting over an acorn because Media Discourse has became so unbearable it makes me wanna put a bullet through my cranium.
First of all you have people who say that people who use the term 'shills' or 'haters' are the types assholes who will use it if you either dare say something positive or negative about something. Say something slightly positive about a media, you're apparently a 'shill' and are 'stupid' for daring to enjoy something, say something negative you're a 'hater' and need to 'let people enjoy things' no in-between whatsoever.
There is a drastic difference between people criticizing problems or praising qualities of a piece of media and people saying that a piece of media is some how 'the spawn of the devil and people who like it are idiots' and '10/10 with no flaws whatsoever' and glazing the author like he is a prophet.
Not to mention you have pretentious, arrogant and overall snobby douchebags that act like they're above people just because they watched critically acclaimed media or claim themselves as having 'better taste' or just gatekeeping people and overall being assholes to people.
Like congratu-fucking-lations you pressed the play button on the Godfather do you want a medal of honor to go with that? It feels like these people act like they played a part in the production of these films when in reality they just consume media that is heavily praised by both critics and casuals, like me watching something like Citizen Kane doesn't make me a Guru on films, I just watched a film that is heavily agreed to be a masterpiece.
I also have this massive pet peeve of people using the word "Objectively" like 'X is objectively bad' or 'Y is objectively the best in the franchise'. Don't get me wrong, while I do believe all Art is inherently subjective, there are objective things about it like, if a video game releases and it's a buggy mess of a launch, then that is an objective flaw.
Finally I just despise those YouTube videos on how "X IS WOKE GARBAGE" just because a media has a character that is either a Woman, LGBTQ, or a character with a different skin, those videos make me want to recoil and cringe because I don't mind what kind of character it is, just make them well written or fun memorable characters and besides there is nothing wrong with having some diversity in media.
(I'm sorry if this rant was terrible or a nothing burger, I'm not a critic or an expert of literary criticism so I might get things wrong, I'm also not very good at English and I just want to rant and vomit out my frustrations with Modern Media Discourse and get it off my chest.)