Sick of the disrespect

I know it’s par for the course for a newbie to get his balls busted. But the culture is making me start to hate this craft. I’ve been doing this for 2 1/2 years. I’m 25 and just get grilled by alcoholics and ex convicts 48 hours a week. I took it in stride when I had no idea what I was doing, but now that I have my sea legs and know my way around a job site it’s really bumming me out.
There’s no way to win these people over, if I defend myself it just escalates, if I don’t engage it escalates. I can’t ask questions because I’ll just get called a dumbass and told to figure it out myself. I ask would you rather take 10 minutes to explain something or 3 hours fixing a huge fuckup? There’s no reasoning with these people.
I’m in the Chicago area and have been under 2 bosses, with many many faces coming and going. It’s the same shit with everyone. I take pride in what I do but the people suck. End of rant.