Who can I trust on this sub

Okay guys, I have a question and I need shills to battle it out here.

Been lurking around this sub for advice on what MoMs are legit, have good products, etc and I have to say, the opinions are all over the place. For example, I've been ordering from Weedposters steadily for the last 5 years maybe ? I've been pretty satisfied with their stuff, except maybe a few letdowns here and there. Now, I see people shitting (probably justifyingly so) on Weedposters everywhere. Even others MoMs i've ordered from a few times all have a good amount of flack on here.
Then there's the ''shills'', nobody knows who they are, but everybody seems to accuse everybody else of being one or just being downvoted. Fuck is going on here ? Who's right ? Who's wrong ? Almost ordered from ooey gooey but now I'm doubtful its the good stuff.
So, I'm making this post to ask this question : whats your best sites for decent priced concentrates. no fake terps or funny business for at least 14-28gs ?

I want you shills to pull no punches.