Trump supporters are something else
I had a pretty interesting interaction with one on Facebook yesterday. He was so proud that he voted for Trump and that Trump won, so I asked him why. I asked him to tell me the beneficial things Trump did in his first term and what he plans to do.
Instead of answering my question, he just goes on a long ass rant about how evil the democrats are, and how they did this and that. After several attempts at asking, he did finally say "terrifs, no wars and secure border" but he continued to blame everything on the democrats.
I reminded him that under trumps control we had a mismanaged global crisis, got sent into a recession, had major riots, had a mob incited by him at the Capitol building, and non stop hate and division.
This guy literally replies by saying the evil democrats crated the "China virus" to destroy trumps booming economy, that Dr. Fauci's "economic plan" sent us into a recession, that the riots were orchestrated and paid for by the democratic party, and Trump couldn't do anything about it. That the Capitol Hill riot was a "peaceful protest" that democrats were paid to infiltrate and incited a riot. Then to top it off he said the democrats are the ones who constantly create hate, violence and division. Of course he made thr asumption i voted for Harris and challenged me to defend her, which I simply told him I didn't vote for her or support her, which shut him down.
I told him the difference between me and the rest of Maga, is that I did vote for biden in 2020, but I am aware that he has short comings, and they are his fault. I don't go around screaming the republican party ruined everything for biden. I said that it suck that prices are high, but it's a world wide inflation issue, and that for thr economy biden was handed, I think he did an alright job recovering it.
This guy then says I "did blame Republicans" which i told him you go ahead and find my comment and I would own it that I was wrong. After a while he finally replied saying "I was going to prove you wrong, but you deleted your comments (I didnt) because democrats are nothing but liars, cheaters, hateful people" (there was more insults)
I told him how Facebook works and exactly how to find all my comments, and his reply was "you're not worth my time"
It's glorious basking in them putting their own foot in their mouth.
EDIT: it's sad that I have to add this. If you're going to comment just to insult me for my choice to not vote, don't bother. It is extremely sad that you feel the need to attack a fellow democrat, just because their opinion doesn't completely align with yours. The way a lot of you have acted is just as bad as them
EDIT 2: Honest a large majority of you should be ashamed of yourself. Coming on her to berate and belittle someone else, who is literally on your side, all because they didn't do what you wanted. You are projecting tour angry feelings of losing on to me.
Clearly there are millions of voters who are on the fence and you want to berate them? What makes you think at all that will remotely make them want to change their mind? If you want to pursued them to vote or become democratic, then be kind, respectful and teach. I can tell you, the way many of you have acted, makes me want to distant myself from the democratic party.
But hey, keep it up, you guys will literally divide yourself so far that a democratic president will never see office again. Dig your own graves.