Should I go back to school?

I started working halfway through 2023. It's my first job. I did 3 year at university trying to do industrial engineering and during covid I actually improved, passed the most exams in 2020 some with high grades. But it was all too theoretical for me so I switched to do a bachelors electromechanics and finished it in 2 years.

I tried going for the master again in Antwerp but after 6 months I started looking for a job. After 2 months of searching I found a job as a CAD designer at 15min. from my doorstep.

At first I liked it, but after a while I started to lose interest. I started looking around in the tech space but without a master it's hard to beat out other candidates.

In my freetime I started getting involved in politics and well everytime I do anything with it I get so much more motivated than I've felt in years.

So I started looking for jobs in it and managed to get pretty far but well again here my educational background was the final nail.

So I'm now at an impasse. Idk what to do or how. The logical thing would be to do the masters in engineering. But I dropped it for a reason and after a while I fear those might rush back. Knowing myself I also need to spread out the studyload. I never got a habit of learning because high school was easy so uni was a brick wall. Best case I need 3 years (which is the min. these days) realisticly I'll need 4, I'll be 29/30 by then.

But the passion is to do political studies, a minimum of 5 years I believe. If you do full time.

Then the money issue, Do I do it while also working part time? Because that might draw it all out even longer. (I still live at home to save up, that is no issue however living at home at 30, that unsettles me and makes me feel like a loser.)

I truly do not know what to do at the moment. I just know I am terribly bored at my job atm and change is not on the horizon. This is kinda the only thing I have control over.

Any advice?