I don't think I can handle it anymore,...


I'm (34) the autistic father of a 6 month old (no clue yet whether she is on the spectrum or not).
I never wanted kids, and I communicated this clearly to my wife (35) before we married.
but when she turned 30 her point of view changed and she begged me for a child.
At first I remained firm on my attitude, but after month of back and forth,
and failing to explain my reasons "we" decided to go forth with it.

Since the child is born I am suffering from depression and or autistic burnout, I am seeing a psychiatrist but getting therapy takes a lot of time over here, so I stick to antidepressants (bupropion) for now, which helps a little bit with the energy but nothing else really.
I just can't handle it, all those responsibilities and no clear schedule, no time for myself effectively, being called lazy and useless,...

In my head getting a divorce and living on my own sounds like heaven right now, but abandoning my little girl, which I love dearly, feels like the worst to the point where I am contemplating unaliving myself because I feel like I won't be able to handle the guilt.

I am thinking about getting hospitalized, to get away and have some time to recharge and think about my future. But my wife thinks she can't handle the child alone (yet I am useless?), and beeing the people pleaser life has taught me to be, I try to stay.

I'm not sure what I am asking for but I don't really have anybody I can tell so openly.

// sorry for my english, not a native speaker