Does this bother anyone else?

My child is level 3 and non verbal.

She was diagnosed with global developmental delays as a toddler as well.

Studies show 20% or more of children with a GDD diagnosis go on to receive an intellectual disability diagnosis as an older child.

She has not been officially tested for ID yet, but her doctors and I suspect she is probably intellectually disabled.

It really, really, realllllly bothers me when this comes up and people say “no way! She’s so smart! She’s probably a genius! I mean, she hand led you to the fridge, look at how smart that is! She knows where food is!”

Like.. yeah, I’m glad she can hand lead for communication sometimes. But she’s almost 6. She should be talking, reading, able to follow directions, not using a diaper still… Hand leading is not a sign of high intelligence, in fact it’s a sign of the opposite.

Why are they so uncomfortable when intellectual disability comes up? Why can’t I acknowledge that my child is probably intellectually disabled?

If she is intellectually disabled I’ll love her regardless. But allow me to TALK about it without gaslighting me into thinking my child is secretly the next Einstein. She’s not. End of story. I’ll be lucky if she can ever answer what 2+2 is.

I’m to the point I want to just start saying “my child isn’t as smart as the vast majority of kids her age and that’s OKAY”. Like make them reallllyyyy uncomfortable. Go into detail about how profound her delays are. But I won’t.

The ONLY person outside of medical professionals who acknowledges this with me is my husband. Literally every other person in our life does the “uwu no way she’s definitely the next Einstein/Mozart/Bill gates/Elon musk/insert smart unfathomably rich and famous celebrity/historical figure here” bit.

It’s driving me insane.