Possible squamous cell carcinoma, options?
Species: cat
Age: 14.5
Sex/Neuter status: spayed female
Breed: Persian
Body weight: 5.5lbs
History: IBD, hypertension, bad teeth, 1 working kidney, luxating patellas grade 2
Clinical signs: slowly growing black spot on nose
Duration: years
Your general location: the Netherlands
Links to test results, X-rays, vet reports etc: none
Hello vets,
My cat has a spot on her nose which might be squamous cell carcinoma. I'm saying might be, because it doesn't have a typical presentation. It's a very small, very slow growing spot that is not ulcerated, scabbed or wounded in any way. It's not dirty either. Multiple vets have checked it out over the years but none are certain what it is.
She had a small wound in the top center of her nose pad 4 years ago, that healed up fine but left a small scar, in case you're wondering about the 'absence' in the middle there.
She's due to have a dental soon, and I'd really like to know what it is so I asked my vet (dental specialist) about getting a biopsy while she's already under. My vet was fine with that. But now I'm wondering, is it the best option?
I'm wondering about small biopsy vs. total excision and which one would be best. And I'm wondering if I should let my own vet do it, or ask for a referral to an oncologist to have them remove it. What's the best course of action here?