What’s the proper way to play?

I’m asking and I know it may sound stupid . Everywhere i join be it community or official it always seems dead. Nobody on radios, no comms or coordination from teams, unbuilt bases and hardly any supply runs it seems like people are just running for objectives and treating this game as call of duty. I’m new to the game, I’ve decided I’m going to be a supply runner to learn the map and build up bases but by the time I’m done building up a base it seems I’m losing 4-1 to the Russians so I try attacking what I think are key points to winning but I’m in it all alone… other 23 of my team members are attacking other objectives that have no real value to us without any success while I’m alone advancing and capturing points. Am I supposed to run and gun the entire game till supplies run dry and we lose? I thought this game is a lot more tactical then this…