Two B’s senior year!!

I have applied to a number of very prestigious universities rd (Duke, brown, Emory, nyu) and I also ed2 to uchicago. I have had almost straight A’s with the exception of one B+ my freshman year.

However, in my senior year I have got 2 B’s in my first semester - both being in a very difficult class related DIRECTLY to my major. Colleges should know the difficulty level of this class as it’s not a class many high schoolers take. I will have to report these grades in my mid year report.

I am really really worried about this because I don’t want colleges to think I am lacking because I truly am not. I have put blood sweat and tears into that class and unfortunately ended up with two B’s in it. One for my midterm grade and one for my final. How much will this hinder my results for college? I have worked extremely hard these past four years and am super nervous about this.

(P.S. I’m really not trying to seem high and mighty, and I truly want to know people’s opinions)