AIO for not allowing my baby daddy into the delivery room
I’m 19 and a teen mom. I’ve been with my boyfriend since I was 15 and he was 20. I know now that I was groomed. For years, my family would tell me the relationship was toxic and unhealthy, and honestly, it was. He’d leave me stranded on the side of the road during arguments. When I tried to break up with him, he’d flat-out say he’d kill himself. When I did get the strength to block him and attempt to go no contact, he’d have his friends or sister harass me until I unblocked him. Still, stupidly, I loved him.
When I found out I was pregnant, I was scared as hell to tell my family. But when I did, my mom supported me after being pissed for like three days. Of course, throughout the pregnancy, my relationship with my baby daddy was at its absolute lowest. I saw him a total of three times, and within the last month, he all of a sudden wanted to be “involved.” I just went along with it. But on the day of my delivery, I refused to allow him to enter, which I later found out led to him being removed from the hospital by police.
Anyways, I’m two months postpartum, living with my mom and dad. He comes over every day and just sits outside for hours. The police have come over multiple times, but honestly, they aren’t really doing anything because he hasn’t done anything to put us in “real” danger. But honestly, I’m afraid of him. I’m in and out of depression, up all night and day for the baby, and dealing with him… it’s just too much. But I also feel like if I just let him back in, that might get rid of the stress, even if it’s temporary. I mean, his family is really trying to make it a point that he regrets it.
But I’m not sure. Am I overthinking? Or am I underthinking? Should I do more or give in? I DON’T KNOW!! (Screenshots of the Messages are from him and his family)